Sunday Round Robin Tournaments
It’s important to read through the following bullet points if you want to participate in our weekly round robin. Here’s what to expect:
We use to run our tournaments. To register for a tournament, Click Here to go to the login page.
If it is your first time, you will need to do the following:
Click “Register” and create an account. For “Club name”, type in West Central Table Tennis. The club name should pop up as you begin typing. Select it and then fill out the rest of the form.
If you have already created a log in, then do the following after logging in:
Click on the menu button in the upper right (it just looks like three horizontal lines).
Click “Tournament Registration”. You will be able to view upcoming tournaments. *Please Note* you cannot register until to the day before the tournament.
Space is limited. 32 player limit on Sundays.
Doors open at 1:00 pm for warm up. Tournament registration ends at 1:25pm and the round robin will start promptly at 1:30pm.
You will be placed in a group of 4-6 players. Placement is based on a rating system (USATT format). If it’s your first time, you will be given an estimated rating.
Play one match with each player in your group. Matches are best 3 out of 5 games to 11 points. Results are recorded and used to update player ratings after each session.
Once all round robin matches have been played we will have open play for the remainder of the session.